Thursday, December 3, 2015

Removing Warts Naturally

Warts are one of the most annoying conditions to have to live with. They are caused by a virus known as HPV and currently there is no cure to get rid of the virus for good. Now a days people try to find natural ways to get rid of their warts since medical procedure are expensive and can leave behind long lasting scars.

The human papillomavirus is non cancerous bu the virus can lead to the development of keratin. Keratin is a hard protein that causes the warts to grow and spread like wildfire.
There are different strains of the HPV virus that can lead to different kinds of warts to show up. Probably the most frequently seen type of wart are common warts. These warts usually have a rough surface and they are firm with a raised surface. Plantar warts are also another form of warts that develop on the feet and the soles of the feet. The pressure that is applied to the plantar warts due to walking can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. You can read this article here for more. 

Filiform warts are another kind of wart that is commonly seen. These warts are often found on the eyelids of the sufferer and along the necks. Mosaic warts usually grow in clusters and are often found around the feet, hands, and the palm.

There have been several treatments developed over the years to have these different types of warts removed. However, keep in mind that just because you remove a wart doesn't mean it won't grow back in the future. These days most people turn to home remedies to help get rid of these unwanted skin growths naturally.

One way that people remove warts naturally is by using salicylic acid to get rid of them topically. You can find this solution at your local drug store and apply it over a few months to get the results you're looking for.

Duct tape is another way to get rid of warts in a natural way. You simply cut a piece of tape and apply it directly on the wart to cover it up. The wart won't be able to breathe properly and when the oxygen is cut off from the wart it will eventually fall off. It's important to apply the duct tape to the affected area a couple times each day for about 2 months to see good results.

Another great home remedy for wart removal involves the use of garlic. You can take a raw piece of garlic clove and rub it directly on the affected area. Place a piece of bandage over it to keep it in place overnight so you won't have to worry about it falling off.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Laser Therapy for Warts

Warts are typically rough and look very unsightly on the skin. These warts can also cause a lot of pain and make your life very awkward. This is why many people who end up having warts are quickly in search of a way to remove them. The HPV virus is what causes these unsightly skin growths to develop. They are normally harmless and won't cause any life threatening injuries.

The good news is the fact that there are multiple different ways to go about removing warts from your skin. Some of these methods are all natural and others are medical procedures that requires consultation from an experienced doctor or dermatologist. You can click here to find out much more.

One of the most common ways to remove warts is with the help of laser therapy. Laser therapy is a medical treatment that is often performed by a skilled surgeon. The surgeon will directly project the laser towards your warts until their tissues and cells are dead. The epidermis layer is where the laser will pass over and this treatment will focus on the blood cells that give the warts their blood supply. You can use anesthesia to help numb the area so that you don't feel any pain when the laser hits the affected area.

You definitely have to take some precautions when you apply the laser treatment for your wart removal. One of these precautions is the after effect your skin will experience when you apply this treatment. When you apply the laser it will quickly turn your skin into different colors and might cause your skin to swell up a little. However, after a few days these symptoms will heal up and your warts will be removed. Some people it might take longer for them to experience their natural skin color to return.

Safety is huge when you're using laser treatment to get rid of warts. Sometimes scarring can occur when you apply this laser treatment to your warts. Moreover, if your skin is sensitive there are other safety concerns you should be aware of. Make sure you talk to your dermatologist or the surgeon carrying out the procedure in depth to know exactly what some of the risks are.

Finally, the price of the treatment is something you should definitely consider. Some laser treatments can cost a lot of money and some can be much cheaper than the rest. You should also ask your doctor about insurance plans that can help you cover the cost of the procedure.

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Best Natural Wart Removal Methods

When it comes to wart removal most people often turn to over the counter products that their doctors prescribe them. However, there are natural remedies that can be used to treat warts too that are just as effective and sometimes even better than over the counter products. For additional information visit

The main reason why people want to remove the warts they have on their skin is because they don't look attractive. Warts are life threatening and rarely do they stop a person from living a normal life. However, the idea of walking around in public with warts visible on the skin is unthinkable for some people.
Warts develop because of a virus known as human papillomavirus or HPV for short. This virus can cause a variety of warts to show up on the skin on the different locations of the body. The most common type of warts that people experience include genital warts, foot warts, facial warts, and hand warts. These warts can spread to other areas of your body too as they are very contagious.

People with warts will experience cauliflower looking clusters appearing on their skin. They normally look red or pink in color and they can sometimes pop and cause bleeding to occur. If you don't treat the warts on your skin soon enough it can easily spread and other people around you like your family can end up catching it.

When someone is first diagnosed with having warts their doctor will most likely prescribe them with salicylic acid. Treating warts with salicylic acid can be effective in some cases but it can sometimes cause skin irritation if your skin is sensitive. Other than acid treatment doctors will sometimes use cryotherapy to remove warts. This method is best used for plantar warts or foot warts. In cryotherapy the warts are removed by getting freezed off using a compound called sodium nitrite. The sodium nitrite will immediately stop the virus from replicating itself and eventually the warts will go away. When you use this form of treatment the doctor will tell you specific instructions to follow in order to make sure the wart doesn't return.

Never pinch or squeeze your warts to avoid infections. When it comes to natural remedies for warts tea tree oil is definitely one of the best options.

Tea tree oil has been used for various skin infections like acne. It's because tea tree oil is an antiseptic that makes it such a good home remedy for warts. The more you apply this oil the more the warts will get soothed and clear away from the skin. For the tea tree oil to be effective you'll need to apply the oil a few times daily for a few months. When you apply the oil make sure you use a q-tip and not your fingers to avoid any kind of infection.

Another great home remedy for removing warts is the duct tape method. You use duct tape by applying it to the affected area and suffocating the warts. The less oxygen that the warts get the less chance they have of surviving for a long time. All you have to do is cut a piece of duct tape that's big enough to be placed entirely over the warts. After allowing the tape to stay situated over the wart for a day or so then remove it and continue to do this until you notice that the warts are gone.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Natural Wart Removal Methods

People with warts are embarrassed that they have these ugly looking skin growths on their body. Most of the time when people remove them these warts come right back.

When it comes to removing warts there are various home remedies that can help. The way home remedies help get rid of warts is by attacking the root cause of the warts which is the virus called HPV or human papilloma virus. Some warts need to be removed as soon as possible because they are cancerous and can cause a lot of pain. Moreover, warts are highly contagious and can easily spread from the one person to the next. If you're in a household with a lot of people you will want to get your warts under control so you can avoid spreading these unsightly skin growths to other people in the household. If you don't completely eliminate the virus causing the warts the warts will always grow back into the skin. Cleaning the area where the warts get removed from is essential because it will help avoid them returning in the future. For more click here.

Banana peels are sometimes used as a home remedy to remove warts. The banana peel is used as a wart removal by rubbing the peel on the affected area. You will need to rub the banana peel on the affected area several times daily in order to achieve the best results.

Some people have also experienced success at removing warts by applying aloe vera to affected area. You will need to crack open the aloe vera plant and apply the gel on the affected area. You will need to allow the gel to sit on the wart for at least 10 minutes before removing. Apply this aloe vera gel a few times daily to quickly reduce the size of a wart until it is completely gone.

Another effective home remedy for removing warts is duct tape. All you have to do is cover the wart up with the duct tape so that the wart doesn't have any oxygen or air. Without enough oxygen the wart will eventually die off.

Soaking a piece of cotton in apple cider vinegar and applying it directly to the wart is also an effective method. The vinegar is full of acid that will help remove the wart after you apply it on a regular basis. The citric acids in apple cider vinegar will also help attack the root cause of the wart and prevent the wart from returning again.