Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Natural Wart Removal Methods

People with warts are embarrassed that they have these ugly looking skin growths on their body. Most of the time when people remove them these warts come right back.

When it comes to removing warts there are various home remedies that can help. The way home remedies help get rid of warts is by attacking the root cause of the warts which is the virus called HPV or human papilloma virus. Some warts need to be removed as soon as possible because they are cancerous and can cause a lot of pain. Moreover, warts are highly contagious and can easily spread from the one person to the next. If you're in a household with a lot of people you will want to get your warts under control so you can avoid spreading these unsightly skin growths to other people in the household. If you don't completely eliminate the virus causing the warts the warts will always grow back into the skin. Cleaning the area where the warts get removed from is essential because it will help avoid them returning in the future. For more click here.

Banana peels are sometimes used as a home remedy to remove warts. The banana peel is used as a wart removal by rubbing the peel on the affected area. You will need to rub the banana peel on the affected area several times daily in order to achieve the best results.

Some people have also experienced success at removing warts by applying aloe vera to affected area. You will need to crack open the aloe vera plant and apply the gel on the affected area. You will need to allow the gel to sit on the wart for at least 10 minutes before removing. Apply this aloe vera gel a few times daily to quickly reduce the size of a wart until it is completely gone.

Another effective home remedy for removing warts is duct tape. All you have to do is cover the wart up with the duct tape so that the wart doesn't have any oxygen or air. Without enough oxygen the wart will eventually die off.

Soaking a piece of cotton in apple cider vinegar and applying it directly to the wart is also an effective method. The vinegar is full of acid that will help remove the wart after you apply it on a regular basis. The citric acids in apple cider vinegar will also help attack the root cause of the wart and prevent the wart from returning again.